Simply Framed x POPSUGAR

When it comes to creating a captivating gallery wall, there's an endless amount of themes you can use to tie your chosen artwork together. One of our favorite strategies is deciding to custom frame an assortment of images that are personal to you (travel shots, wedding photos and even personal mementos). Not only does this ensure that your wall will bring back special memories every time you look at it, but it also probably doesn't require you to purchase any new pieces—all that you need to create this masterpiece is hiding away in drawers or your phone's photo library.

Angela Elias's personal photos in our Light Walnut Gallery Frame, White Gallery Frames, Black Gallery Frames, and Antique Silver Certificate Frame.

We were thrilled to work with Angela Elias of POPSUGAR to create a highly personalized gallery wall for her bright space. Angela said she'd been overwhelmed by the idea of bringing a gallery wall to life. So, she was really happy to discover our Print & Frame service, which makes it easier than ever to upload photos from your phone or computer and then have them arrive on your doorstep as gorgeous custom framed works of art.

Angela chose to custom frame some meaningful family snapshots, along with larger-scale ocean images that we suggested printing sans mat for maximum impact. "Dara suggests skipping a mat for scenic photos you don't want to distract from (like the two ocean pictures I snapped while traveling) and making personal photos smaller," Angela explained, hailing our highly personalized customer service and expert feedback throughout the framing process as a mega bonus in acing this project. "If creating a gallery wall or just printing and framing some of your favorite photos has long been on your to-do list, Simply Framed could be the solution you've been looking for." Cheers to that!

Check out the entire feature here, and then try out our Print & Frame service for yourself.

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