Suffice it to say that many of us will be working from home for the foreseeable future. How apropos that the Sunset Magazine Summer 2020 issue suggested a “Work From Home Makeover,” highlighting a handful of special items that are guaranteed to inspire you day in and day out, and make your workspace feel more like an oasis than a lockdown.
"Find a piece of art that stokes creativity and frame it well,” is one key idea for your home office from Sunset editor Matt Bean. Needless to say, we jumped at the chance to help Matt with the "frame it well" part of the equation.
Matt’s motivating setup is completed by a vintage poster featuring a guide to Western trout (via a retro issue of Sunset) floated in our Light Walnut Gallery frame. It’s a look that is, dare we say, off the hook, and a piece that will leave little doubt about who’s the big fish in his home office.
Read about the full Work From Home Makeoverer, and then head to to frame your own special piece.